C2 (Project)
Description: Are Plant Defenses Chemicals Commonly Sequestered and Metabolized by their Herbivores to Function as Infochemicals in...
Description: Are Plant Defenses Chemicals Commonly Sequestered and Metabolized by their Herbivores to Function as Infochemicals in...
- Collaborative Research Center 1127: Chemical Mediators in Complex Biosystems - ChemBioSys
- A1
- A2
- Total ChemBioSys
- A3
- A4
- B05
- B1
- B2
- B3
- B4
- B6
- C1
- C2
- Hidden item
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- Hidden item
- idMS/MS deconvoluted data set
- Primary and Phytohormone data set
- Raw data 443idMSMS
- Raw data 599idMS/MS
- Raw data 697idMS/MS
- Raw data 585idMS/MS
- Raw data 939idMS/MS
- High-throughput quantification of more than 100 primary- and secondary-metabolites, and phytohormones by a single solid-phase extraction based sample preparation with analysis by UHPLC-HESI-MS/MS
- Using the knowns to discover the unknowns: MS-based dereplication uncovers structural diversity in 17-hydroxygeranyllinalool diterpene glycoside production in the Solanaceae
- JA-Ile-macrolactones uncouple growth and defense in wild tobacco
- Catechol, a major component of smoke, influences primary root growth and root hair elongation through reactive oxygen species-mediated redox signaling
- Sex ratio of mirid populations shifts in response to hostplant co-infestation or altered cytokinin signaling
- NaMYB8 regulates distinct, optimally distributed herbivore defense traits.
- Plant-mediated RNAi silences midgut-expressed genes in congeneric lepidopteran insects in nature.
- Illuminating a plant's tissue-specific metabolic diversity using computational metabolomics and information theory.
- Benefits of jasmonate-dependent defenses against vertebrate herbivores in nature.
- Information theory tests critical predictions of plant defense theory for specialized metabolism.
- Hidden item
- Hidden item
- Hidden item
- Hidden item
- Hidden item
- Hidden item
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- C3
- C4
- C5
- Z02
- Z01
- Associated project 1